Search Results
Battlefield 3 - 870MCS & C4 Own Noobs
BF3 C4 triple and first try with 870MCS
Battlefield 3 Minitage - 870MCS+C4
Battlefield 3 – 870MCS KillStr
Battlefield 3 870MCS & C4 mix
The reason why you should not C4 your own helicopter on #BF3
870MCS Gameplay, C4 Trolling, Commentry & Mod Tool Discussion
Battlefield 3: Shotgun Ownage
BF3 Moments 870 and C4
Battlefield 3 Shotgun/C4 = Ban
MAV C4 Trolling - Battlefield 3 - Best BF3 Trolling?
Bf3 870 & C4 multikill Montage